Friday, March 12, 2010

Is optomism over-rated?

As this week winds down and I find myself in a position to either get a few more 'ta-dos' done at work or ponder life so...... pondering life wins. What can I say? I'm a dreamer and a procrastinator all rolled into one.....not the best combo for an employee at a day job 20 minutes before quittin' time. Yep. I'm in a ponder mood. And a good mood. Actually I need to correct myself......a great mood!

So then I pondered (since I'm in the mode and mood) about why I'm in such a great mood! Well, things in general are going in the right direction for me right now! WooHoo! Culinary school is winding down, I'm actually losing weight in a healthy manner, and I think progress is on the horizon in the areas of my life where I have had obstacles in the past. AND my boyfriend will be home from a week-long business trip. Life is GREAT! (Good doesn't do it justice).

But since I don't easily fall out of ponder mode it got me thinking about losing it all. Where did that thought come from? That is not very optimistic - much more pessimistic don't ya think? So I had a choice to make - consider the happiness or consider the sadness. So about as quickly as it entered my mind I shoved it out with brute force. And I did that because I'm a realistic optimist.

While I do not kid myself into thinking that life will not always be rosy, I try to think of the worst that can happen and really it's not all that bad (unless maybe it all happens at once but I would take the Vegas odds on that not happening). And on top of all of that, worrying about what bad things MIGHT happen does me absolutely no good! While I think it is vital to be conscientious about what it takes to maintain happiness and not take life (or people) for granted, I believe that taking the path of assuming life will be great as long as I keep up my end of the bargain is really the only way to go. Boy howdy was that a run-on sentence if I've ever seen one.

Anyway, I just want to say that I love being an optimist. Wish there were more optimists in this world..........

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